Thursday 31 March 2011

Easter Holidays

Hello Everyone Sorry i havent been on in ages i have been very busy with home work and course work and dog walking and going away on day trips and going to dog shows. Hope everyone is well

Monday 4 October 2010

i have got a cold nooooo

i am off school today with a very bad cofe and i hate it and i also hate the medicine it tastes horrible

Wednesday 25 August 2010

SUMMER HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh my how the summer holidays have gone fast i wish i could turn back the clock and today was the day i finsished school and its the beggining of the school holidays but unfortunatley you cant do that

Monday 31 May 2010

Happy Birthday Leeanne, hope you've had a lovely day!!

happy birthday to me


happy birthday narla

happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to narla
happy birthday to you

happy birthday narla

Saturday 17 April 2010


I thought i should let you know that lucky had to be put down today she was 15 years old but she kept peeing every where the vet said she had
high potassium levels and a very slow heart rate. It seems highly likely that she had Addisons disease. A condition which effects the Adrenal Gland. Whilst she could have been treated for it, she would have needed medication three times a day for the rest of her life and regular blood tests and stays over at the vets. Even missing one lot of tablets would put her at risk of a "critical collapse" and my grandad can barely remember to take his own pills, let alone a dog's as well. my grandad made the decision to let her go now, rather than put her through that. She'd had a good life, a rescue dog in France, spending most of her time roaming free around the farm he had out there, chasing rabbits and laying around in the sun. Well now she's free to chase rabbits in everlasting sunshine. Goodbye sweet Lucky xx I will always love you no matter what happens i only have half a heart left as scamp broke a quater of my heart and now you have broken a quater as well i love you for all eternity and i hope you have a good life in the doggy heaven I will look after scruffy for you dont worry and I will always remember you i will never forget you. you were the best french dog i ever met and no other french dog is going to replace you. goodbye my best french girl dogxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
sweet dreams I hope you will shine over me when i need you

Sunday 11 April 2010


this is the other dog his name is scruffy and i hope you can guess why, because he is scruffy


My grand dad has gone on holiday to sussex and
my mum and me are looking after his 2 dogs and this is one of them. Her name is lucky.

Friday 19 February 2010


Just thought I ought to correct Leeanne's post about Cassie. It's not cancer that she's suffering from, its a condition which means her immune system is attacking all the good cells in her blood. Red/White blood cells and platelets. This means her blood can't "feed" her body properly. It's called Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anemia (IMHA for short). She is responding quite well to her medicine, but we still have to take one day at a time. Keep your fingers crossed for her!